Optimize Yield in the Field

The Protein and Yield data collected across your farm are very valuable if you can use them to better understand the variability in Nitrogen availability and uptake across your fields. CropScanAg Solutions can help farmers maximise investments in Precision Agriculture by capturing the data, presenting it in meaningful maps and providing Variable Rate Fertilization prescriptions and soil treatment recommendations.

CropScanAg Solutions offers a hardware and service package that provides a total Nutrient Management System. The CropScan 3300H on Combine Analyser measures Protein, Oil, Moisture, Starch and Fibre in cereal grains and oilseeds as they harvested in the field. The CropScan 3300H provides a layer of agronomic information not previously available to farmers, i.e., Nitrogen Uptake and Availability. By combining the Protein, Oil and Moisture data with the GPS coordinates and Yield off the combine, then a more complete picture can be obtained on how your crops have performed.

CropScanAg Solutions can also offer a Soil Station. Soil moisture probes with telemetry provide a continuous record of how much water is available in the soil. The weather station provides a record of the rainfall, humidity and temperature across the farm. As well Top Soil Mapping with 4 depth bands can provide so that a complete description of the soil types and depths can be overlayed against the other measured layers. Based on the soil and weather data, CropScanAg Solutions’ soil scientists and agronomists can provide soil diagnosis and recommendations for remedial action across the farm.

Our specialists in farm data management, soil science and data collection can capture Protein, Moisture, Yield and GPS data off the combine and provide a comprehensive set of field maps including:

  • Protein, Moisture, Oil

  • Yield

  • Removal Maps for Nitrogen, Sulphur, Potassium and Phosphorous 

  • Protein/Yield Correlation Quadrants

  • Gross Margin

  • Harvest Score Card

Based on these maps and other off-farm data, farmers will receive recommendations for implementing Variable Rate Fertilization Prescriptions for their fields and soil treatments and remediation. The farmers receive downloadable Shape files with simple VRF prescriptions that can be loaded directly to the spreader or sprayer.

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